
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Happenings for the Nulphs

So I know its been awhile.... I'm using my in-laws computer because we got rid of our yucky internet. But... here goes:

I can't believe Zander is going to be a whole year old in less than a month! On the 21st of May our little man will be the big 1 and its crazy. He is getting so big: 23 pounds and 32 inches already. He isn't walking around yet but he sure tries. He tries to stand in the middle of the floor and pulls himself up on everything. As long as he's got one of your hands, you better hang on for the ride because if it's up to him, you're cruisin'. He is so busy! I'm excited for him to be able to walk because then he'll be more independent but I'm afraid because what if I never find him again?! If he's awake, he's getting into something. And he loves to wrestle- if you lay on the ground, he's coming to get you.
Life with Zander has been amazing. I'm so thankful every day to have him- I can't believe our little family's unbelievable luck.

I don't know how excited he is about it but Zander is going to be getting a little sister in August. That's right! I am going to have a baby and we found out a few weeks ago that it's a little girl. At least that's the word for now... the big ultrasound is tomorrow so I guess we'll see for sure. :) We are so excited- it's going to be great to have Zander and the new one so close because they should be best friends (either that or I guess we'll have fights on our hands all the time; it'll only make them tougher, right?) Remember how I said he loves to wrestle? Well one of his favorite things to do is wrestle my tummy... This new baby will probably have to be tough from the beginning!

Greg is just busy at work all the time. I can tell you, I didn't love the adjustment period when the busy season hit. I missed Greg but it was nothing to Zander. From about 4:30 to the time Greg got home (usually around 8:30 or 9) Zander was fussy and just kept looking at the door. When he hears the doorknob start to turn he gets so excited! But... hopefully the busy season is on the downhill slope.

As for me... just being busy and feeling pregnant. I keep track of Zander all day and that wears me out enough. We've been looking for a house now for a long time and still haven't found "the one" yet but we're hopeful it will be soon. :)

Oh and Happy Easter! Having our own baby for Easter was alot of fun this year. I'm not sure how much fun Zander had, but I had TONS of fun dying eggs yesterday and hunting eggs with him this morning. He was probably wondering why we were doing all these crazy things and why I was so happy about it but oh well, right? He seemed to really enjoy it... especially the candy part.
